Using the Excel Solver To
Optimize Your Marketing
The Excel Solver allows you to calculate how to allocate your resources to get an optimal result. It is such a useful and versatile tool that almost any manager can put it use effectively but not many are familiar with how to use it.
This article will provide a simple example of how an Internet marketing manager can use the Excel Solver to optimize the allocation of marketing budget funds among 4 pay-per-click networks to achieve the highest number of conversions (sales).
Solver Problem Summary
In summary, here’s what we are trying to do:
1) Maximize the total number of conversions from all 4 pay-per-click vendors.
2) Not spend more than $500 on each individual pay-per-click provider
3) Not spend more than $1,500 total
We are also provided with the average cost per click and average conversion rate (percentage of clicks that convert to sales) for each network. The information is placed on a spreadsheet as follows:
Our Solver Optimization Task
We have a total monthly paid search budget of $1,500 that must be allocated between the 4 following paid search providers: Google AdWords Search Network, Google AdWords Content, Facebook paid search, and LinkedIn paid search. We want to keep our pay-per-click efforts diversified; we will spend no more than $500 per month any single pay-per-click providers, but no more than $1500 total.
We know our average cost-per-click and conversion rate for each of the 4 pay-per-click vendors. Conversion rate is the percentage of clicks that convert (buy and become customers).
Running the Problem on the Excel Solver
Once the Solver has been installed as an add-in (To add-in Solver: File / Options / Add-Ins / Manage / Excel Add-Ins / Go / Solver Add-In), you can access the Solver in Excel 2010 by: Data / Solver.
The following blank Solver dialogue box appears:
2) Whether we want to minimize or maximize the target, or attempt to achieve a certain value in the Objective cell.
Here once again is the Excel spreadsheet input data that will be used:
Maximize the total number of conversions from all 4 pay-per-click vendors (green cell H10)
Decision Variables:
By varying the budget amounts allocated to each of the 4 pay-per-click networks (tan cells – C6 to F6)
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a1x1 + a2x2 + … + anxn = objective
We can tell that we are dealing entirely with linear equations in this example because all equations which used to determine the objective (the final number of conversions) are first-order. These basic equations are as follows:
Number of Clicks = (Average Cost Per Click) * (Amount Spent)
Number of Conversions = (Average Conversion Rate) * (Number of Clicks)
The GRG Nonlinear method is used when the equation producing the objective is not linear but is smooth (continuous). Examples of smooth nonlinear functions are:
These functions have graphs that are curved (nonlinear), but have no breaks (smooth)
The Evolutionary method is used for non-smooth functions. These are functions whose graph is discontinuous at any point.
The use of the GRG Nonlinear and Evolutionary methods would require much more discussion than time permits in this article. We will therefore work exclusively with the Simplex LP method here.
Constraints must be added separately. To add a new constraint, just click the Add button and select the cell that will have the constraints applied to it. You then select the type of constraint, for example, the constrained cell must be less than a certain number. Finally you specify the constraining value, for example, the number that the constrained variable must be less than.
When setting constraints, it is important to remember which variables cannot take a negative number and then specify this as a constraint. In this case, the Amount Spent for any of the pay-per-click networks cannot take a negative value.
The constraint highlighted in blue ( $C$4:$F$4 Greater Than or Equal To 0) illustrates this type of constraint in this example:
Final, Optimized Result
Constraints Satisfied
Available Reports
We will briefly evaluate only a part of 1 of those reports in this article: the Sensitivity Report.
The Sensitivity Report
= Total Number of Conversions
We can see from the Objective Coefficients that an amount spent on the Google AdWords Content Network would have the greatest effect on the Total Number of Conversions.
The Excel Solver at its basic level is a simple tool to use to determine the optimal allocation of your available resources.
If you would like to create a link to this blog article, here is the link to copy for your convenience:
Using Solver To Optimize Your Marketing Budget
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ReplyDeleteRemodeling your home can be quite challenging, however, if you approach it with the right mindset you can have fun and the end result is very rewarding. There is a long list of home improvement DIY projects that just about anyone can do that can add value and beauty to your home. Home improvement DIY projects can be indoors or outdoors projects and they are things that the whole family can do together. Landscaping companies Sydney
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ReplyDeleteA business plan is one of the most important documents that is needed for the betterment of the business.It includes all the need to know strategies, marketing techniques, sales techniques and financial forecasting methods that will be used to increase profits and revenue of the business. However, writing a business plan is no walk in the park. It takes a lot of time and concentration and is one of the biggest responsibilities that will be undertaken. For this crucial task there are dedicated people called business plan consultants. transitions
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ReplyDeleteA business plan is one of the most important documents that is needed for the betterment of the business.It includes all the need to know strategies, marketing techniques, sales techniques and financial forecasting methods that will be used to increase profits and revenue of the business. However, writing a business plan is no walk in the park. It takes a lot of time and concentration and is one of the biggest responsibilities that will be undertaken. For this crucial task there are dedicated people called business plan consultants. volatile stocks
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ReplyDeleteGenerally, it is hard for a new business to become noticed, and even harder to gain your first few clients without any success stories to back up your claims. Your formal marketing plan should therefore project the right networking mix. The right networking mix is about being proactive-in a sense that you leverage your business and personal connections to bring you regular supply of new business. The whole idea about business networking involves relationship building-and it must be strategic and focused on networking for business growth. Purple Life
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ReplyDeleteSocial media marketing has been a catchphrase for a few years now, and everyone knows that they're "supposed" to use social media to boost business. But how do actual businesses get a return on investment from using social media platforms like today's two biggest ones, Facebook and Twitter? Business Week magazine did a survey of 100 mid-sized businesses and basically asked them what they were doing social media-wise, and how it was working out for them. 먹튀
ReplyDeleteFor a small วิธีเล่นบาคาร่าออนไลน์ to grow into a big business, it needs a loan unless it has exceptional sales and profit margins. A small business owner has quite a few places where he/she can go with a loan request. Banks seem to be one of their options on most occasions.
ReplyDeleteIf you are a business owner facing divorce, the thought of protecting your business from divorce can only add to the stress and strain that you are already going through. Unlike most property or personal assets, your Business analysis represents a personal investment of your own time, money, creativity and hard work. The idea that you might lose something you built because of an unfortunate turn in your personal circumstances can be both frustrating and frightening.
ReplyDeleteBeing a Social Media Marketing rookie can be intimidating, but isn't so bad. Here are 5 things I learned about Social Media Marketing as a rookie by necessity, not choice. html email builder
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ReplyDeleteBuilding a Business on purpose, takes lot of planning, lots of energy and lots of focus. Most importantly, you must be willing to persevere... no matter what comes your way. Adversity seems to attach itself to every business with a purpose; however, you must stay focused and stay the course. Branding Agency
ReplyDeleteThe one trait all successful business owners have in common is that they ask for help when they need it. And the good news is help is readily available. You can find a business counselor or coach in just about any location not far from you and sessions are often at no charge, especially if you're planning to start a business. alvin russell
ReplyDeleteRunning a small business is as challenging as trekking to Mt. Everest without having oxygen cylinder, prior practice, and a valid map guide. The challenges are only because there are no authentic rules that can lead a small business towards success while other major obstacles comprise: low budget, limited manpower, and lack of efficient resources. フォトシンデレラ,口コミ,効果
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ReplyDeleteWhile B2C companies use social networking for a variety of purposes, B2B marketers often wonder if simply having a basic company website is good enough; isn't social media more suited for B2C interactions? Data from Forrester research indicates otherwise. According to a recent eMarketer study, Forrester Research predicts that B2B firms will spend $54 million on social media marketing in 2014, up from just $11 million in 2009. instagram takipçi satın alma
ReplyDeleteWe've all heard the saying, "Fifteen minutes of fame!" and the possibility of achieving that has never been more prevalent then in this age of the internet, reality shows and social media. Even twenty-five years ago you had to be a young toddler falling deep into an abandoned well to reach the status of a national celebrity, but these days all it takes is a well placed Twitter, misquoted Facebook post or exposure through a viral video. instagram takipçi satın al
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ReplyDeleteA business plan is one of the most important documents that is needed for the betterment of the business.It includes all the need to know strategies, marketing techniques, sales techniques and financial forecasting methods that will be used to increase profits and revenue of the business. However, writing a business plan is no walk in the park. It takes a lot of time and concentration and is one of the biggest responsibilities that will be undertaken. For this crucial task there are dedicated people called business plan consultants. Customer Feedback
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ReplyDeleteA virtual jungle of potential financial dangers lurks; challenges and pitfalls surround freelance professionals starting out. The vast majority of people will naively attempt to navigate through this jungle on their own with very little, if any, financial and business education or freelance experience whatsoever. It is alarming to note that most people will never even consider seeking some form of guidance or construct a strategic roadmap to help get them to where they want to go. Equally alarming - they will probably never employ an experienced, highly trained guide to help them avoid the pitfalls and dangers, and allow them to reach their final destination safe and sound. This article has been written with the intent of providing helpful tips to consider before venturing into freelancing career or business ownership. read more
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ReplyDeleteSecond Chance checking accounts are designed for people who have been denied the opportunity to open normal checking accounts due to past banking difficulties or bad credit. The reasons a person may be denied may vary greatly, but once they've been reported to an agency or networks like ChexSystem it is a long difficult road to reestablishing credibility, especially in today's economic environment. A more viable alternative is to second chance checking is to obtain a Prepaid Credit Card. With a prepaid card you can only spend what has been loaded or deposited into the account. Because you can only spend what has been loaded or deposited on the card, you will never be charged costly overdraft fees or have to wait to see if a check you wrote has cleared the bank. Most prepaid cards will also report your regular transactions and recurring bill payments to participating credit reporting agencies which gives you the benefit of building or rebuilding a favorable credit profile with your everyday purchases. - Disaster Services Prepaid
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