This is one of the following sixteen articles on Single-Factor ANOVA in Excel
Overview of Single-Factor ANOVA
Single-Factor ANOVA in 5 Steps in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013
Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test in Excel For Each Single-Factor ANOVA Sample Group
Kruskal-Wallis Test Alternative For Single Factor ANOVA in 7 Steps in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013
Levene’s and Brown-Forsythe Tests in Excel For Single-Factor ANOVA Sample Group Variance Comparison
Single-Factor ANOVA - All Excel Calculations
Overview of Post-Hoc Testing For Single-Factor ANOVA
Tukey-Kramer Post-Hoc Test in Excel For Single-Factor ANOVA
Games-Howell Post-Hoc Test in Excel For Single-Factor ANOVA
Overview of Effect Size For Single-Factor ANOVA
ANOVA Effect Size Calculation Eta Squared in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013
ANOVA Effect Size Calculation Psi – RMSSE – in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013
ANOVA Effect Size Calculation Omega Squared in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013
Power of Single-Factor ANOVA Test Using Free Utility G*Power
All Excel Calculations For
Excel’s Single-Factor ANOVA tool works so well that there is no reason to perform the ANOVA calculations by hand except to understand how they work. The Excel Single-Factor ANOVA output is once again as follows:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
The steps to the calculation of the p Value are as follows:
Calculate SSBetween_Groups and SSWithin_Groups from the original data set.
Calculate MSBetween_Groups and MSWithin_Groups by MS = SS/df
Calculate the F Statistic by F = MSBetween_Groups / MSWithin_Groups
Calculate the p value by p Value = F.DIST.RT(F, dfBetween, dfWithin)
Original Data Set
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Calculating SSBetween_Groups from the Original Data Set
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Calculating SSWithin_Groups from the Original Data Set
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Calculating the Remaining Equations to the p Value
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
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