Creating a Bar Chart in 7
Steps in Excel
Only three types of Excel charts are presented in this blog. They are the area chart, the bar chart, and the scatterplot. There are, of course, many types of charts available in Excel and many variations of each type. This chapter will provide instructions on creating both the scatterplot and bar chart in Excel. Instructions to create an interactive area chart of a statistical distribution are presented at the beginning of the final chapter of this manual which covers graphing statistical distributions in Excel.
A bar chart is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. Bars can be single, grouped, or stacked. Bar can be horizontal or vertical. This section will discuss how to create a bar chart that presents single, vertical bars. Single bars present the value of one variable that is associated with each data observation.
In this example this following bar chart will be created from the X-Y data in cells I4 to J8.
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Bar Chart Step 1 –
Highlight the Y Data
Select the data in cells J4 to J8.
Bar Chart Step 2 –
Select Chart Type
Make the following selections:
Insert tab / Column / 2-D Clustered Column
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
This produces the following basic bar chart:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Bar Chart Step 3 –
Insert X-Axis Data
Right-click anywhere in the chart and choose Select Data as follows:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
This brings up the following dialogue box. Under the label Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels on the right side, select the Edit button.
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
This brings up a blank Axis Labels dialogue box as follows:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Select the X-Axis data in cells I4 to I8 as follows:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
This produces the following labels for the X-Axis:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Format these labels by right-clicking on the X-Axis, select Bold, and then set the font size in the cell font dialogue box as follows:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
This produces the following X-Axis:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Bar Chart Step 4 –
Delete the Legend
Select the legend and delete it.
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Bar Chart Step 5 –
Insert Chart Title
Click anywhere on the chart to bring up the Chart Tools menu. Choose the Layout tab / Chart Title / Above Chart as follows:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
This creates up the following basic chart title:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Highlight the text and type in the correct title as follows:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Bar Chart Step 6 –
Insert X-Axis Label
Right-click anywhere on the chart to bring up the Chart Tools menu. Choose Layout tab / Axis Titles / Primary Horizontal Axis / Title Below Axis as follows:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Highlight the basic X-Axis label that appears. Type in the correct X-Axis text, select Bold, and select the correct font size as follows:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Bar Chart Step 7 –
Insert Y-Axis Label
Right-click anywhere on the chart to bring up the Chart Tools menu. Choose Layout tab / Axis Titles / Primary Vertical Axis / Horizontal Title as follows:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
After correcting the Y-Axis label by typing in the correct text, making it Bold, and setting the correct font size as was just done for the X-Axis label, the final bar graph will appear as follows:
(Click Image To See a Larger Version)
Excel Master Series Blog Directory
Statistical Topics and Articles In Each Topic
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- Bar Chart in Excel
- Combinations & Permutations in Excel
- Normal Distribution in Excel
- Overview of the Normal Distribution
- Normal Distribution’s PDF (Probability Density Function) in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013
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ReplyDeleteGreat stuff! Here's another guide where you can learn how to create a Gantt chart in Excel:
ReplyDeleteCheck out this guide on how to create a Gantt chart in Excel here
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