Top 10 Excel SEO
Functions -
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There are some functions in Excel that seem like they were custom-made just for SEO. If you are big into high-volume SEO and haven’t used many of these, you’re in for a treat.
Here are my top 10 Excel functions for SEO. I am excluding VLOOKUP, Pivot Tables, and If-Then-Else from this list because each of these is important enough to merit its own separate article. Here are my Top 10 (minus these mentioned 3):
Trim Off Extra Characters From Front and Back of a Character String
Before you perform any serious SEO work on character strings, it is always a good idea to trim off the extra and not-very-obvious spaces you may have accidently inserted at the beginning or end of a character string.
Number of Characters in a String
This is very useful for limiting your page title and meta descriptions to correct lengths. It is also useful if you are using Twitter automation software and you are creating a bunch of tweets. Use this functionality as a quick check to keep under the 140-character Twitter limit.
Substitute All instances of One Character In a Cell For Another
By itself, it can be useful, but it is also very useful when combined with other formulas, as we will soon see.
Word Count in a Cell
There is no single function that directly does this, but you can overcome that with a little creativity. The following function combination will count the number of words in a cell.
Concatenate (Combine) Contents of Multiple Cells
Concatenate has tons of uses, especially in high-volume PPC work. Here’s how to use Concatenate() to automatically create phrase match and exact match keyword phrases.
Click On Image To See Larger Version
Convert All Characters In a Cell to Lower Case
This turns all text in a cell into lower case. You might use this if you are developing a list of keywords to check with Google’s Keyword Tool.
Create a Hyperlink With User-Friendly Anchor Text
This creates a live link on your spreadsheet so you don’t have to paste the URL into the browser address bar.
Capitalize First Letter of Each Word In a Cell
I use this for constructing AdWords ads.
Calculate the Percentage of Current Month That Has Passed
This functionality is useful for creating projections for the current month.
Convert a Number To An Integer By Truncating All Decimal Places
If you would like to create a link to this blog article, here is the link to copy for your convenience: Top 10 Excel SEO Functions

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